Still Rock is located in the top left of the United States, residing close to Washington state, although it’s actual address, square milage, elevation, and wildlife, are not known, or at least can’t be pin pointed. The park seems to have entrances that will appear, and then disappear a few weeks later, appearing at another one of the 16 known points. Some of the parks main attractions such as boulders, small mountain peaks, creeks, and its diverse wildlife. Still Rock couldn’t be verified by satellite, seeming to only be there in person, if entered through a park gate, the national park not seeming to exist if entered from the sides or viewed from above.

The park is known for its 3 main paths, each one offering a different hike in both wild life and terrain. The main middle path starts, and continues to be a decently populated forest, with well kept dirt paths, a constant light fog, and its well known trait of having a wide variety of life. The other two trails seem to follow a theme, while this one has no such rules, making it a popular choice for those wanting to see what nature throws at them.

The left path starts the same as the middle, and slowly transitions into a more densely pact forest, it’s trees in higher density, with thicker leaves, and the ground foliage greener and thicker. The left path is more popular with those who enjoy canines, with wolves and foxes being common sightings, although being well fed tend to not be a threat to hikers.

The right path is more easily defined by its Sandy gravel like path, which soon leads the hiker to an entirely other landscape. The path leading to an arid, dry, warm ocean side plains like cliff. The foliage browner and less dense, with trees far and few. The right path is popular with paranormal hunters, it thought to be haunted from the paths occasional grave yard, or even village ruins.

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